School of Biomedical and Precision Engineering

News & Events

Student Visit at MPS Micro Precision Systems AG in Biel/Bienne

Students of the MSc Precision Engineering visit MPS Micro Precision Systems as part of the "Advanced Course I Ultraprecision Engineering"

The New METAS Joule-Kibble Balance - a Realisation of the Kilogram

The University of Bern, School of Biomedical and Precision Engineering SBPE and the Federal Institute of Metrology METAS are collaborating on the development of a new Kibble balance which will include the principle of a Joule balance.

Going with the flow, from microtechnology to precision medicine

Inaugural Lecture by PD Dr. Jérôme Charmet

PD Dr. Jérôme Charmet, Associate Professor at the HES-SO Haute École Arc and the University of Bern is inviting to his Inaugural Lecture with welcome words by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Burger and Prof. Dr. med. Aristomenis Exadaktylos.

A new partnership

Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V.

The VDI, the largest technical and scientific association in Germany, partners with the University of Bern and the MSc Precision  Engineering. Learn more how our students benefit from this new collaboration.


Master Precision Engineering - Registrations

Do you want to immerse yourself in the world of Ultraprecision or Optical engineering? Don’t miss to register for the interdisciplinary Master’s program in Precision Engineering at the University of Bern.

Videotrailer for Precision Engineering

The new trailer is finally here!

We are excited to show you our new and first trailer for the Master of Science Precision Engineering.

Wearables and Digital Biomarkers

Inside the Workshop

One of the first public workshops through the MSc Precision Engineering was a collaborative effort between the University of Bern, the Bern University of Applied Sciences, Innosuisse, and the User-Centered HealthTech with experts and many guests from various backgrounds.