School of Biomedical and Precision Engineering

Creative Engineering Lab

High-precision Dynamic Linear Stage

High-precision dynamic linear stage with nanometer resolution

Linear stages are used in many applications in industry and research including e.g. laser photocoagulation devices in medicine, nanophotonics, and laser cutting/marking systems. 

This CE Lab project aims to develop an innovative linear stage through the combination of the advantages of a fast first stage with a displacement of 100cm - 1µm with the accuracy of a high-precision second stage in the scale of nanometers (10µm  - 1nm).


Working on the control system of the high-precision dynamic linear stage
Piezoelectric actuators (left) in combination with a curved guide element (right) enable low-backlash and low-friction deflection in the nanometer range
Theoretical considerations in the Collaborative Room of the CE Lab


Project Partners